
My name is Gabriel Meytanis (candidate number 8560). I completed Brief 1:Music Industry, working in Group 2 with Georgina Harper-Dennett (8720) and Phoebe Hung (8017). Our group photo can be seen on the right of the page. To access my portfolio evidence, please click on the labels to the right named A2 Research and Planning, A2 Construction and A2 Evaluation.

GiGi - Sit Still, Look Pretty (Group 2 Music Video)


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Sunday 27 March 2016

Construction Post 4: Reflections on Edit Week 1

As a group, we were well aware that post-production would require us to put as much time and effort in as possible to ensure that editing was completed to time and was of a good quality. To ensure that everyone put in this required work, we drew up an editing schedule during a group meeting to organise the days on which people could come in and work. Group members' initials were marked against a particular time and day, with the aim of having at least 2 people working on editing so as to ensure efficient work rather than leaving one person to carry the burden of the entire group's responsibilities. Upon reflection, I felt this was a great system, as it indicated how much free time we were willing to give up as a group in order to guarantee the completion of our project, as well as making sure that people turned up and did their specified duty.

One of our tasks this week was to update
our music, which initially didn't connote the
 unease and fear that we had initially hoped for.
In hindsight, though, there was a slight blip this week, as the group were at odds and had different ideas as to how to present or edit certain scenes. This affected our productivity and, after consulting our teacher, decided to edit in 2 separate groups of Josh & myself, and Ella & Pru. Looking back, this was eventually a great decision to make, as although we were no longer a four, we still discussed important decisions & organisation (such as improvements on audience feedback) and had group meetings with each other. This ensured that we made steady progress both as smaller groups and as a collective.

(please click to enlarge)
We produced a re-shoot list this week
to indicate which shots needed re-doing.
One such group task was to decide upon which shots we wanted to re-shoot after editing the rushes from the main shoot. We then drew up a re-shoot list similar to the shot list for the main shoot, as in our opinion this was the quickest and easiest way to ensure that we accurately referred back to the relevant shots on the day of the back-up shoot.

Below, I have produced annotations describing our progress during the first week of editing.
In order to access them, please press the subtitles/CC icon and select English(United Kingdom)

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