
My name is Gabriel Meytanis (candidate number 8560). I completed Brief 1:Music Industry, working in Group 2 with Georgina Harper-Dennett (8720) and Phoebe Hung (8017). Our group photo can be seen on the right of the page. To access my portfolio evidence, please click on the labels to the right named A2 Research and Planning, A2 Construction and A2 Evaluation.

GiGi - Sit Still, Look Pretty (Group 2 Music Video)


The inside and outside panels of our Digipak
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Monday 5 September 2016

R & P Post 29: Rehearsals

Rehearsal video of Georgie practising her lipsync.
(apologies for the video quality)

In the run-up to the main shoot, we conducted a series of rehearsals to prepare for the final shoot week. This was crucial in order to ensure not only that our performer, Georgina, was prepared and had the required characterisation, but also to make sure that we had rehearsed the technical aspect of our shoot. 

In hindsight, her lipsync was good and her theatrical training clearly came through, though we could have perhaps rehearsed in the studio, as the small rehearsal space which we used did not allow any room for dance moves or movement. Moreover, had we diverted some time into a rehearsal (as opposed to lighting setups) we could have experimented with shot types or added dance moves or gestures for Georgina, and could have made last-minute alterations if there was anything which we felt was wrong with our idea.

Once we were able to adjust the intensity and colour of the studio lights,
 we could save a setup as a 'memory' which we could load at a later date.

Meanwhile, myself and Phoebe were able to use the time during the rehearsal schedule to go over information on the studio and how to set up and safely operate various pieces of equipment such as floor lights, the music lectern and the camera. Additionally, we were able to use any available time before our test shoot to learn how to use all the relevant features of the lighting desk, and to then experiment with different colours and intensities which we could save as 'memories'. We felt this feature was extremely useful, as we were able to instantly bring up a particular lighting setup without having to spend the amount of time initially taken to move and configure lights for each setup.

At the lighting desk. Once a lighting memory was selected,
you could press the green button ('GO' button) to load that setup.

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